It has sweeping vistas of a pristine countryside that seems remote, even though it is less than an hour's drive from Williamsport, Pa.
Over these mountains is where we encounter stunning scenery as we cycle through pristine countryside.
What should have been a clear, unobstructed view was subdivided by the march of power lines, telephone poles, and oil derricks-the cost of doing business in an otherwise pristine countryside.
"The substation alone will cover an area of 28 acres - that's a huge industrial development in pristine countryside."
They possess superior technology and their "comet forts and can cities" actually resemble pristine old-Earth countryside, replete with waterfalls, fields, giant tree cities, etc.
Looking around at the pristine countryside, he asked them in French and sign language what they called that place.
The route winds through vast coniferous forests and between lakes and ridges with unharnessed rapids in pristine countryside.
The mountainous island is known for its largely pristine countryside, its vineyards and olive groves, and its numerous beaches.
"Vermont conjures up images of a pristine countryside and an honest, uncomplicated lifestyle," Mr. Tyrol said.
(Abbey littered public roads out of a philosophical certainty that is wasn't the beer cans that were ugly, but the highways themselves, slashed across otherwise pristine countryside.)