They discover the loose wall panels, and come close to discovering Garak when the prisoners successfully overpower their guards.
Within minutes prisoners had overpowered and killed half a dozen guards, and a heavy gun battle spread across the compound.
The prisoners overpower the Kapos, construct shoes and weapons out of blankets and other items and say goodbye to those who are too weak for the escape.
Perhaps the prisoners used the bombing raid as a distraction and overpowered Hassoud and the two soldiers.
At that moment, seventy violent prisoners from division three rushed in through the gates and quickly overpowered the officers, locking them in the yards.
Gordon and twelve other prisoners overpowered guards, took hostages, and escaped from the prison, which at the time had no walls.
The gunfire erupted after the prisoners overpowered the troops who were guarding them.
On a cold February night, the riot began when prisoners overpowered four guards, grabbed their keys and broke into the long corridor connecting eight prison buildings.