Several male figures loafed near a makeshift pen where the new prisoners huddled, having barely moved since they were herded into camp a couple of nights back.
The six prisoners huddled by the front wall as the beam of light flashed about the floor, the opposite wall and the stairs.
The prisoner huddled deeper in his chair.
The prisoners huddled together, unwilling to believe him.
When the tea was done we visited a wire cage where several hundred Iranian prisoners huddled beneath blinding floodlights.
He found the prisoners wrapped in every blanket they could get their hands on, huddled over the magepot.
French soldiers from the peacekeeping mission found the released prisoners huddled in knots around the tables, drinking beer and coffee.
On the roadside, the Iraqi prisoners huddled together.
As they started up the stairs, Garion glanced at a Rivan soldier standing guard over some demoralized prisoners huddled miserably in the slush.
It was rarely given, most of the quitters being butchered on the spot, but Blade did note a few sullen prisoners huddled together under guard.