The Ilchester gaol was stormed, and one unpopular prisoner executed.
His injuries did little to help, nor did the fact that his older brother, an artillery officer, was convicted as a war criminal for having prisoners of war executed.
From October 1940, the Fort held only female prisoners (resistants and hostages), who were jailed, executed or redirected to the camps.
Almost all the prisoners executed in this country are poor people who had a marginal legal defense.
However, those who remained in Ireland throughout the Interregnum generally had their land confiscated, with prisoners of war executed or transported to penal colonies.
December 23: Anti-Republican forces in the Vendée finally defeated and 6000 prisoners executed.
There, prisoners were regularly tortured and executed.
On 7 March 1993, Gibb and a fellow prisoner, Archie Butterley, executed a meticulously planned escape with Parker's assistance.
He caught the Bush Administration's attention for his effectiveness in getting condemned prisoners executed and in rallying prosecutors to curtail state prisoners' access to Federal courts.