The day before she had helped a prisoner escape.
The novel is set in 1936 and describes the escape of seven prisoners from a concentration camp.
In 1917 he led an escape of 21 prisoners through an underground tunnel, but was recaptured.
Clearly none of the golden-shoveled guards were worried about a prisoner escape.
He has also used the Black Ambulance, which is equipped with security support systems to prevent prisoner escape.
The catalyst to the mutiny was the escape of 4 prisoners aided by a guard.
Following the prisoner escape he feigned mental illness to avoid imprisonment.
If the grounds guards had let a prisoner escape, then faked a report - he'd have their hides!
But they also got a lot of other problems, a prisoner escape and so on, and lots of people out sick.
What riled Weston most was the fact that a headquarters detective had let the prisoner escape.