Those overseeing the prison operation have started their own weekly newspaper.
These tapes and transcripts cover prison operations and remembrances from the 1950s to the closing of the prison.
The state contends prisoners are put in these cells because they are deemed a threat to themselves, others or prison operations.
I lost an eye in a botched prison operation.
The idea of transferring all of the prison operations to Hayes was subsequently abandoned.
According to research by Claudio Barcellos, a Brazilian journalist, each of the officers is known to have killed 34 people - before the prison operation.
The prison operations are requiring increasing numbers of American military police and prison guards, who are being diverted from other jobs in Iraq, he said.
A bipartisan panel suggested converting Government services, including mail delivery, air traffic control and prison operations, into private concerns.
In New York, special agencies kept an eye on prison operations.
Furthermore, an equality perspective must be integrated into the treatment of offenders and prison operation.