In an effort to eradicate pruno, some wardens have gone as far as banning all fresh fruit from prison cafeterias.
This vivid, complex one-man show, directed by Jo Bonney, swings through hospital lobbies, prison cafeterias, jail cells and television talk-show sets.
Sitting in the prison cafeteria, she was unable to articulate why leaving the United States would be so devastating.
But a routine videotape of the prison cafeteria showed him first in line for lunch shortly after the killing.
Chowing down in a prison cafeteria somewhere?
Later, we find a recovered Leone about to eat his meal inside the prison cafeteria.
The liberal Democrat who had crafted landmark legislation to protect blue-collar workers ended up filling the salt and pepper shakers in the prison cafeteria.
Nine prisoners were shot in a 1926 riot beginning in the prison cafeteria.
A surveillance videotape of the prison cafeteria, showing Mr. Schlup in line for lunch when the witnesses say the murder occurred, supports his claim.
With Petra, he set up the enterprise as methodically as he did his business packing condiments into small packets for hospitals, schools and prison cafeterias.