We can give it the highest priority rating we can move, and Project Junior carries considerable weight, you know.
No budget limit; this is way way above our usual priority rating.
Miss Evans has given the Merlin project a high priority rating.
Our public officials had to establish priorities - and, unfortunately, the priority rating that we all thought would be accorded to education never materialized.
These calls receive a relatively low priority rating.
I am not familiar with that project's priority rating, Commander.
Convince me that you are the right man for my mission and I have a high enough priority rating to getyour transferal processed immediately.
It was the highest priority rating an emergency could have - yet Yvette was saying this one could rank even higher.
"With all the professional help around here, you have to have a priority rating to get close to one of them."
The first step was to obtain a high priority rating for the project.