They then develop a prioritized list of adaptation projects that will help the country cope with the adverse effects of climate change.
These sets of targets would be combined and arranged into a prioritized list in which each was accompanied by the best assessment of potential function.
It contains a prioritized list of space programs, missions, and supporting activities to address these questions.
It was clear that he had found an opening for one of those deferred questions he kept on a prioritized list somewhere in his changeling head.
By contrast, Carnell Associates includes a termite inspection, estimates the cost of needed repairs and provides a prioritized list of what to tackle first.
And the server should have a prioritized list of from, like, the most secure that it knows down to the least secure.
Oregon's rationing begins with a "prioritized list," developed over years of deliberations, of 745 pairs of conditions and treatments.
A prioritized list of high-level requirements.
A prioritized list of tasks to be completed during the sprint.
Some communities have written restrictions that provide a prioritized list of placement preferences so that residents can see where the association wants them to install the antenna.