The two prior private schools in Opelika named "Opelika High School" also burned, in 1867 and in 1894.
The state's hold harmless policy regarding state basic education funding continued where each district received at least the same amount as it received the prior school year, even when enrollment had significantly declined.
The current building was built in 1965, replacing the prior schools in the downtown area.
The field's on-campus location eliminates not only the students' prior need to walk or be bussed from school to a separate location to play, but the need for the two prior schools to share the field.
These updates were due to the declining condition of the prior schools.
However, since the fall of the USSR, a new wave of Hegel scholarship arose in the West, without the preconceptions of the prior schools of thought.
There is no possibility for Fields' change of residence to fall under the CIF's "valid" guidelines, because doing so would require that she continue to live with her legal guardian from her prior school.
Perhaps more troubling, parents often perceive upon arrival that the special education services offered their child at the new school are not only different but of lesser quality than those at the prior school.
Originally at this location was the prior school, West Davis Elementary school.