Sales were $201.2 million, up 78 percent from the prior quarter.
Dell has said it might have to restate earnings from prior quarters.
That is up from $460 million put aside to cover losses and increased reserves in the prior quarter.
Question: Why was the e-commerce sales estimate for the prior quarter revised?
Answer: The e-commerce sales estimate for the prior quarter was revised to reflect additional response data.
For example, Morgan's return on assets in the quarter was 0.99 percent, down from prior quarters but still better than most money-center banks.
Certain adjustments have been made to prior quarters for reclassifiations of store closing expenses and other items.
Net earnings were $18.4 million, up from $13.4 million for the prior fourth quarter.
The company said that it would report revenue growth of nearly 30 percent from the prior quarter.
Earnings for prior quarters were restated as if the companies had been merged.