Without prior preparation, without aid, you have survived in this place for many weeks.
A jam session describes the musical act of producing music with little to no prior preparation in an effort to develop new material or simply to practice.
We organize wacky and spontaneous events which do not require any prior preparation from the people.
The demonstration, it has been pointed out, benefited from some prior preparation: namely, a lot of ugly talk conveyed back and forth on the Internet.
Improvisation is the act of creating something, especially music, without prior preparation.
It also requires the prior preparation of texts suitable for the chosen sample of subjects.
This made it possible to fire the gun along any part of its curved track without any prior preparation, with elevation up to 40 .
As a result the Geek assault groups had been compelled to rush to their support over extended distances and with no prior preparations.
Improvisation is a creative process which can be spoken, written, or composed without prior preparation.