This report provides an analysis of the role of convictions for prior minor offenses in the sentences of federal offenders.
Star Gas may waive the hearing and pay an $800 fine because it has no prior offenses, he said.
The ruling, which few people in the criminal justice system had expected, immediately called into question the use of prior juvenile offenses.
Most women incarcerated for killing their mates had no prior criminal offenses.
However due to prior offenses, she was not allowed to have any alcohol in her system.
Two of the people were wanted for prior offenses and were still being held yesterday.
Without a prior offense, petty theft is punishable under California law by a jail sentence of six months or less.
He spent the night in the Tombs and was arraigned the next morning as an 18-year-old with prior offenses.
His prior offense was an attempt to sodomize a fifteen-year-old girl.
Those conviction of selling cocaine with prior related offenses may serve up to 4 years in the state prison.