Then there was the way you reminded me of our prior meeting.
Then, to Sylveste, 'You're really going to have to tell me more about this prior meeting, you know.
Portland has split two games with the Jazz this season after winning seven of their eight prior meetings.
Curie and Alexander won the only prior meeting on January 22, 2012.
She groped in memory for their prior meeting, where the final plans had been laid, to offer up as a half-truth.
The trophy was engraved to retroactively list prior meetings between the teams.
Toy cars and trucks were positioned along the fence from the boys' prior meetings there.
Michigan had won the two prior meetings by a combined score of 158 to 0.
The prior meeting of certain Member States was inappropriate.
In prior meetings, he'd said his name was Wallace, but had never volunteered a last name.