The expected cost is $7.69 billion-a $670 million increase from the prior $7 billion estimate.
He said the revised numbers were "more consistent with our view of the economy" than the prior estimates.
Moreover, it says, 1,200 children die of AIDS each day, up from the prior estimate of 1,000.
That is 15,000 below prior estimates, which already reflected a 20 percent cut because of a temporary halt in building the Freestar minivan.
The voluntary compliance rate for 2006 is statistically unchanged from the most recent prior estimate of 83.7 percent calculated for tax year 2001.
The bureau lowered its prior estimate of the number of jobs created since last August, to 229,000 from 278,000.
The report also took exception to this conclusion, arguing that, in retrospect, prior estimates of Soviet military budgets were far from accurate.
The I.M.F. said the global economy will expand by 3.1 percent this year, down from its prior estimate of 3.3 percent.
The numbers are slightly lower than prior estimates, but New York lawmakers seized on them to intensify a call for federal reimbursement.
Other market areas were in a better position than prior estimates had suggested.