A 2 October 2003 New York Times article similarly connected Rove to the matter and highlighted his prior employment in three previous political campaigns for Ashcroft.
This component is for workers involved in the clean-up work and who will not return to their prior employment.
In 2007, state prosecutors accused Psy of "neglecting" his work, holding concerts and appearing on local television networks during his period of prior employment.
We believe that Ms. Goya is possessed of certain privileged information, " says Kline, "that she would not have except for her prior employment with my office.
"We look for places of prior employment, previous addresses, hangouts, associates, any clue to where a fugitive might show up," Inspector Walsh said.
Add to this the cumbersome F.B.I. clearances that now include the Nannygate hurdle of possible prior employment of illegal domestics.
The Big Blind was inspired by Banks' prior employment as a croupier.
The TAA program aims to help program participants obtain new jobs faster, ensuring they retain employment and earn wages comparable to their prior employment.
Alerted to the possible conflict by Mr. Colangelo on Friday, Judge Kavanewsky asked both sides whether they had any concerns about Mrs. Colangelo's prior employment.
An original proposal for checking into the criminal records of anyone with unrestricted, unaccompanied access to secure areas was modified so that in some cases only checks of prior employment are required.