Vessels anchoring in atolls other than Malé must have prior clearance through agents in Malé.
The conditions for participation in the auction included an advance deposit of US $1.7 bn and prior clearance by the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service.
"Capital Traffic Control's just picked up half a dozen Navy shuttles entering city airspace without prior clearance."
The fire commissioner wants control of the firehouses back, and the news media are no longer allowed into the houses without prior clearance.
Carving out a private and hidden sanctuary and not letting anyone in without prior clearance is perhaps the best way to combat that danger.
I need them to go there tomorrow and I know how important proper prior clearance is to you security types.
The new ruling would mean that officers would have to take permission to write and even then it cannot be published without prior clearance from the agency.
Male holders of Palestinian passport aged between 18 and 40 will need to seek prior clearance before entering Egypt.
Satellite phones and radio communications equipment brought into Egypt without prior clearance from the Ministry of Telecommunications are likely to be confiscated:
Pilots without prior clearance (through a special vetting process) may not operate aircraft within the FRZ zone surrounding Washington, DC.