"We could print hundreds of thousands right now," Mr. Osnos said.
You're printing hundreds of thousands of these maps.
It produced pamphlets with titles like Fangs at Labor's Throat, sometimes printing thousands of copies.
Larger printing presses, the telegraph, and other technological innovations allowed newspapers to print thousands of copies, boost circulation, and increase revenue.
He printed thousands of fliers that looked like parking tickets and tucked them on car windshields.
Roth went on to print thousands of shirts with homemade equipment, primarily the designs of his friend Ken Brown.
He quickly mastered the art of marshalling public pressure, printing thousands of postcard-size photographs of his father and handing them out on the street.
The unit then printed thousands of copies of the surrender document for souvenirs.
Alford supporters printed thousands of stickers with his name on them and handed them out at polling places.