Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian Catholic bishops' conference, has printed regular reports.
Newspapers that print reports without submitting them first to the government for censorship face the seizure of printing presses and closing.
Version 4.0 also comes with the facility to print reports to screen.
A unique feature available in the manager's office is the ability to print most reports to the computer's printer.
At the time of the alleged events (circa mid-1949) several newspaper articles printed anonymous reports.
The meetings were to be monthly, and it was to print annual reports, or Rendiconti.
Reluctance to print unconfirmable reports about a candidate is admirable restraint in journalism.
"We're printing reports, auditing our logs, and trying to unravel what happened," Galante said.
Panorama specializes in printing corporate brochures, annual reports, advertising materials and poster art.
It printed fewer reports on organized crime, although the city government was recently angered by an article on corruption at an old-age home.