He printed handouts and posters for such events illegally at the print shop where he worked.
It is possible to use poster creation software to print large posters on standard home or office printers.
Since the uprising began 19 months ago, he has printed posters commemorating about 300 people.
Unless you are printing posters, 12MP is plenty.
The commission will also print posters in English and Spanish, to go on subways and buses.
He printed wedding invitations, business brochures, posters for church fairs and farm auctions.
They printed posters endorsing Louis Philippe and distributed them throughout the city.
Studios often print several posters that vary in size and content for various domestic and international markets.
Posters Partners can easily print posters for display within their organization or community.
For the first 10 years of the convention, Rensaa designed and printed the invitation cards and posters.