Green believes the rise of the "Digital Age" has forced print outlets to rethink how they produce content.
The deal will also make New York magazine, which recently started a new real estate section, the only print outlet for MLX's expansive database of listings.
It is now common for printers, particularly quick print outlets to employ an artist or in some cases a creative team.
Rex also wrote for Playboy, Downbeat and several other print outlets during his life.
In the early 21st century, as in the rest of the world, the number of print outlets in Pakistan declined precipitously, but total circulation numbers increased.
The print outlets are also competing with their own cyberpartners.
This large, beautiful space is the print outlet of the blue-chip SoHo gallery Brooke Alexander.
What three of the five major print outlets failed to do, however, was telegraph prominently that, essentially, the boy was the sole source for many crucial details.
However, the print outlets very much wondered why would a network that's struggling for viewership be taking its best rated programme off the air.
At the time, all Dark Horse could offer contributors was a print outlet and its dedication to creator rights.