A primary school was established and the commune began to print its own currency.
Earlier this month, the company signed a contract to print currency for Tajikistan.
Mmm the only difference as i see it is corner shops can't print their own currency?
This was done because the Federal Reserve act does not allow them to print their own currency if they wished.
At present, any government can simply print currency and spend it, enriching itself while impoverishing its citizens.
It also printed its own currency and postage and conducted international relations with foreign countries.
Although it was a private investment bank, the French government authorized it to print currency, and its board always included colonial officials.
Because state governments lack the power to print currency, they must raise revenue througheither taxes or bonds.
He printed his own currency and established his own airline.
Estonia has announced plans to begin printing its own currency, the kroon, which is to be issued in June.