The bloody prints looked as though they walked directly into the corner of the room and then disappeared.
With the bigger negative size, even 20-by-24-inch prints should look utterly gorgeous.
How can you be sure that a digital print will look the same as the image you see on your computer screen?
The prints on the walls looked as if they'd been purloined from a motel.
But the prints, having more to begin with, come out ahead and look remarkably fresh.
Otherwise these prints can look a little flat with no real whites showing.
Even then, the print may look more like a bad television image than the rich color photos promised by printer manufacturers.
These prints look very much like normal woodcuts of the period, and it can sometimes be hard for experts to tell them apart.
The colors were not vivid, and many prints looked blurry, she said.
As a result, even new prints looked no better than a 16mm orientation film would have looked.