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This principle suggests that priority is given to comprehension of the narrative content over the educational content assuming all things are equal.
The principle of supply and demand suggests that as hydrocarbon supplies diminish, prices will rise.
The principle of right authority suggests that a war is just only if waged by a legitimate authority.
Although this principle suggests keeping away from technologies, it actually means to take some time to appreciate the various technologies that made our lives easier today.
Yet economic principles also suggest that the playing field between H-1B workers and the rest of the work force should be leveled.
Where different manuscripts conflict on a particular word, the principle suggests that the more unusual one is more likely the original.
The first principle suggests that one should divide the health behavior change process into two phases.
The anthropic principle suggests that the observer, just in its existence, may impose on the reality observed.
If an honor falls from West, the principle of restricted choice suggests playing East for the other honor.
The two key principles suggest by Cork were: