Because some obscure elemental principle prevented the flood do you deem me helpless?
The majority of legal studies on online arbitration agree that, neither law, nor arbitral principles, prevent arbitration from taking place online.
In the law of tort, the principle would prevent a criminal from bringing a claim against (for example) a fellow criminal.
He then argues that the only problem comes from majority factions because the principle of popular sovereignty should prevent minority factions from gaining power.
Now, in a Georgia case, the Court applies the same principles to prevent the defense, too, from striking jurors for purely racial reasons.
What principle could prevent architecture from tumbling back into its old status as a plaything of the rich?
As he said, 'the fundamental principle that equity is concerned to prevent unconscionable conduct permeates all the elements of the doctrine.
The precautionary principle also prevents the spread of illnesses.
The polluter pays principle prevents profits going into private hands while the damage is paid for by society.
As a surgeon, this principle would have prevented me from getting anywhere near a scalpel.