By this calculus, the principles espoused by Washington, Hamilton, Madison, and Jefferson mean little.
Such model farms operating under principles espoused by the Physiocrats, were fashionable among the French aristocracy at the time.
The American people, jaded by the campaign, may thirst for the high principles espoused by the founding fathers.
Among other principles espoused by the organization are the following:
Following is a listing of the main principles espoused by the school:
Mr. Bork, who has been retained by Netscape, defended his position yesterday as consistent with the free-market principles espoused in his book.
In the same year, he founded the Coalition of Essential Schools based on the principles espoused in Horace's Compromise.
The advancement of toleration was the result of pragmatic political motives as well as the principles espoused by Enlightenment philosophes.
"I do not doubt the principles espoused by the clerics of Deneir," Cadderly asserted with conviction.
It is consistent with the principles espoused by Labour and social democratic parties across Europe.