He got his start by using the principles advocated in this chapter.
He advocated principles of commercial freedom but also showed sympathy for the working class.
It makes a laughing stock of the House and tramples the democratic principles advocated by the European Community underfoot.
Third Phase - To draw up a draft constitution based on the general concepts and detailed principles advocated by the National Convention.
Most religious groups advocate moral principles about using military force, like the notion of a just war, that require complicated, informed judgments about political and military factors.
Zamora learned modern philosophy and the foundations of Roman law, and soon advocated the "principles of equality" and the need for their implementation in Venezuela.
Many poets, some of whom have entirely resigned from the necessity of finding an audience, oppose the intentional structure inherent in the compositional principle advocated by Leitner.
The agitation which he called forth made his name known throughout Sweden, and in 1870 he was elected a member of parliament, where he boldly advocated democratic principles.
Given an individual case that is completely identical to the type case, moral judgments can be made immediately using the standard moral principles advocated in the type case.
Of course there were many disappointments connected with these clubs when the rewards of political and commercial life easily drew the members away from the principles advocated in club meetings.