The Sarajevo issue, though, principally involves Muslims and Serbs, since both control different sectors of the city.
So far, the lapse, principally involving levees on the aviation industry, has added $1.7 billion back to the same deficit the parties are trying to cut.
At that time, this principally involved the demands of the Action Directe group and the beginnings of international terrorism.
The dilemma is that entitlements principally involve the broad American middle that is key to electoral success.
The arthropathy principally involves large joints such as elbows, hips, knees, and ankles.
The warning was followed by a six-step list which principally involved double-checking tank levels, emer-gency gear, and radio equipment.
These principally involved the fishing industry, but they also included many other activities - even the construction of railways.
Perch fishing principally involves finding perch and getting them to bite.
This principally involved the protesters setting off alarm clocks at 2 pm as a "wakeup call" to the G8, and passed without incident.
The initiative principally involves creating a group of workers from the agencies.