The principal underwriters do not plan to set the stock price until Monday.
Citibank and General Foods are the principal underwriters of the event.
Of course, early investors might have made more early money if the principal underwriter, Goldman, Sachs & Company, had not been so eager to profit from the initial stock offering.
In essence, Drexel, as principal underwriter of the debt, wouldn't actually raise the money, but promised that it would raise it.
The year was 1953, and Uncle Herbie's G.H. Walker & Co. became the principal underwriter of the stock and convertible debentures that were to be offered to the public.
The remainder is shared between the principal underwriter (about 0.75 per cent) and the broker (0.25 per cent ) in the issue.
Marsh notes that some 90 per cent of all rights issues during this period were underwritten and that apart from the principal underwriter (usually the organizing merchant bank) there were invariably 100-200 sub-underwriters.
The principal underwriter for the four-part public television series is United Airlines, and each episode begins with a reminder about flying "the friendly skies to Asia and the South Pacific."
Goldman Sachs & Company, PetroChina's principal underwriter, bought shares in both markets to prop up the price.
The financing for the pipeline is a partnership of four North American energy companies, with Columbia Gas Transmission as the principal underwriter.