Also, the concept of a weighted-vote meritdemocracy is introduced as a required framework for enacting these principal tenets.
Articles 109 to 118 set forth individual rights of Germans, the principal tenet being that every German was equal before the law.
"One of our principal tenets is to capture all the movements of the face," Mr. Wood said.
The principal tenets of the philosophy are summarized in the "Ten Wisdoms of Apathyology".
"One of the principal tenets here is that you should be encouraged to create salary cap room if you want to go after free agents," Granik said.
Turkey's representative Government, democratic Parliament, independent judiciary and free press all insure that the principal tenets of human rights are fully implemented.
An obituary in this space on May 7 misstated or misinterpreted some of the movement's principal tenets.
It has five principal tenets, often described as four main tenets held together by a fundamental belief in upholding ma'at.
Consequently, the ruling did little to resolve the struggle in Federal courts in New Jersey over the legality of the law's principal tenet.
They revolved around the principal tenet of the Klingon system of beliefs: "That which does not kill us makes us strong."