These were the alibis Wexford was given by his two principal suspects.
But tears greet further questioning, and the principal suspects there is more to the story.
Alfred, of course, ought to be our principal suspect.
"I can understand that the police would say that he continues as a principal suspect, because they don't have any other suspects."
Often at least one of them is heard to make a threat against this individual, and therefore will become the principal suspect.
The principal suspects are those who have most to gain by the victim's death.
And the word is, if you're still hanging around tomorrow, you become the principal suspect in a homicide.
Murder charges were filed against the principal suspects in the killing.
He wondered whether, even now, she had grasped the fact that she was the principal suspect.
American officials have said from the outset of the inquiry that such groups were the principal suspects in the bombing.