He retired from Perkin-Elmer in 1985, where he had worked for 35 years, the last 10 as a principal scientist.
He was actually a principal scientist at another company owned by Corning, called Hazleton Washington.
Heisenberg was one of the principal scientists leading research and development in the project.
He is currently working in the role of a principal scientist and Coolidge Fellow at General Electric.
Different organisations have their own established title systems (e.g., principal scientist, senior officer etc.).
He continued as principal scientist and professor of chemistry and metallurgy until his retirement five years later.
She has been a principal scientist there since 2004.
Seaborg was the principal scientist involved in their discovery.
She worked at General Foods from 1952 until her 1986 retirement, where she retired as a principal scientist.
By 1990 he was the organization's principal aerodynamic scientist.