Fifteen Twin Cities corporations and foundations were the principal funders of the $46 million complex, then the most expensive privately funded arts facility ever built in the state.
The building was named for its principal funder, Sebastian S. Kresge, founder of S. S. Kresge Stores (corporate predecessor of Kmart) and the Kresge Foundation.
Revive is based in Salford and is considered to be a missionary work of the Congregation, who are its principal funders.
Although several different bodies have awarded grants, the principal funder has been the British Library Research and Development Department (BLR&DD).
Students of history will know that Norway amongst other Scandanavian countries was a principal funder of the Anti-Apartheid struggle, and democratic South Africa owes that nation a huge debt of gratitude.
The Society was later a principal funder of the YES!
From 1998 to 2000, Smith and The Ford Foundation, the Institute's principal funder, selected Harvard University as the IACD home base for six-week long summer intensives.
The principal funders of the work are Wiltshire Council and the University of the West of England.
The Trust's principal funder is British Waterways.
It was named for its principal funder, the Dart Foundation.