The Executive Director supervises the Association's 47 employees and serves as a principal contact for residents.
In addition, Federal representatives are the principal contact with the Federal Government for the citizens of the United States.
The Better Business Bureau's file on the "National Academy" lists its "principal contact" as an "H. Borgstedt."
"Juliano was our principal contact," said Holmes.
It even employs a nurse who serves as the principal contact with the nursing homes.
Dresden's principal contact at the CPD is Detective Connie Murphy.
She also provided the principal contact with the outside world for some forty fishing villages which clung between wind and water to one of the least hospitable coasts on earth.
It is helpful to provide the name and phone number of the staff member who will be the principal contact for this work in the Committee or the Member's office.
We will acknowledge receipt of your request via a phone call to the principal contact designated in the letter within 2 business days.
My principal contact, well on his way to reeling in a big fish, refused to make eye contact with me.