Additionally, it is one of the nation's principal consultants on authenticity, and is often called upon by colleagues and auction houses to provide definitive opinions.
For the past 20 years, he was the principal consultant to our Diabetes Research and Training Center.
He serves as a principal consultant for the Israel Air Force, in the area of logistics and procurement policies.
A principal consultant has a strong business impact and is often part of the company's leadership.
A principal consultant is capable of shaping a piece of business being the leader in a specific domain.
A principal consultant develops high-level business relations and high-impact projects.
He is also a principal consultant at Price Waterhouse, the accounting and consulting firm in New York.
Since 1999 Ezenwa has been the principal international consultant for, an online company specializing in international trade data.
As principal consultant with Strategic Foundations, he also teaches, coaches and advises organizations on vision development and implementation.
He began as a research engineer, advancing to the positions of research fellow and principal consultant.