After a massive three-year criminal investigation, two Libyan intelligence agents were charged as the principal conspirators.
The committee of inspectors was under the influence of the principal conspirators.
It is certain that the principal conspirators obtained positive information which confirmed their suspicions.
Later they were to become the principal conspirators in the 'Gunpowder Plot'.
The principal conspirators had entered Africa at different points that they might not arouse too much attention by their numbers.
The three men were indicted late last month and accused of being the principal conspirators in the plots against the Gotti brothers and Mr. Schiff.
Thomas Wintour, one of the principal Catholic conspirators in the 1605 Gunpowder Plot.
The other principal conspirators were said to be punished in various ways, some were burnt alive, others impaled, and yet others sawn asunder.
Although the principal conspirators were minor figures, and not directly concerned in the "Monmouth cabal", the court party made no distinction between the groups.
On the eve of the assassination (March 16) the principal conspirators met at his house to make their final preparations and discuss the form of government which should be adopted after the king's death.