In all types of schools, teachers and principals complain about students who openly talk back to them using vulgar language or only slightly veiled sarcasm.
The principals in his stories didn't complain about the falsehoods for the simple reason that they often didn't exist.
In the report, principals complained about feeling isolated and powerless and lacking a voice in improving basic skills instruction.
Frustrated principals complain that custodians refuse minor maintenance like changing light bulbs or fixing broken toilets.
But many teachers use the time as they wish, and principals complain of lost control.
Some principals complained that the influx of students had undermined successful schools.
"Our principals complain they don't have the power to run the schools," he says.
According to the audit, principals complained about a lack of information for available positions and about long waiting lists for those available.
Some principals have also complained that the teaching fellows assigned to their schools did not have nearly enough preparation.
Some principals and superintendents complain that those students' relatively low scores have pulled down the average scores at their schools.