So I was for many years the principal companion of my mother.
Ms. Reinking, his principal companion for a time during the 1970's, was perhaps, as his biographer Martin Gottfried suggests, the woman closest to him, after those in his immediate family.
In addition to his two principal companions, Fawcett was accompanied by two Brazilian labourers, two horses, eight mules and a pair of dogs.
My uncle was my principal companion.
On July 1, 1967, the Order of Canada was created, with Michener becoming the order's first member, as well as the first chancellor and principal companion.
Together with Čistā, Verethragna is a principal companion of Mithra (Mihr Yasht 10.70).
It had become Kashiwagi's constant and principal companion.
Iris Browne - The family servant, Iris is Hooker's caretaker and principal companion.
Clucking chickens are his principal companions.
While he has many companions, most incarnations of the Eternal Champion have a principal companion, a sort of "Companion to Champions", who, like the Champion himself, share a soul.