A Cathedral is the principal church of a Diocese, not necessarily the largest or most magnificent.
The principal church of the village dedicated to the Archangel Michael is without interest.
As a special distinction, his bishop, Flavian, decided that he should preach in the city's principal church.
He was interred in the principal church in Soria.
Currently, Catholicism is the principal church in Brazil, claiming allegiance from more than 80% of the population.
The church built over his tomb became one of the seven principal churches in Rome and a favorite place for Roman pilgrimages.
After the sack only the six principal churches were rebuilt.
There were however efforts on the part of the Germans to have the German chapel recognised as the principal church.
Her image is taken from the principal church and carried to the street, and then paraded around the town over a carpet of flowers.
Later on he became organist of the principal church at Castelleone, near Crema.