Even the argument that culture is Berlin's principal asset has been given short shrift.
Menatep has become a political animal, but its principal asset is still Yukos.
Essentially the Saudis have one principal asset, and that's oil.
Despite the country's hardships, its leaders and people alike now describe democracy as one of their principal assets.
Column 5 of Table 3.5 confirms treasury and commercial bills as their principal assets.
Their principal assets, big jet airplanes, can be sold to raise cash and then leased back.
The principal assets of the new company are works of art.
As 1999 began, its principal asset was a hotel in the Canary Islands.
"If you serve up your principal asset on a platter now, it sets a dangerous precedent," he said.
But either way, he said, its principal asset will always be its scholarship.