In recent times,it was the administrators and princely rulers who demarcated and reserved forests as private preserves.
For its princely rulers the informal term Hill Rajas has been coined.
As the princely rulers died one by one more time was being taken before their successors were recognized by the Government of India.
Raja is an Indian term for a monarch, or princely ruler.
Women, except the princely rulers, could not be members the Order.
Women, who were not princely rulers, could not be members of the Order.
Significantly, the British made a compromise with the 565 princely rulers who controlled 40% of the land on the subcontinent.
But in 1947 the princely rulers had the power to decide whether they joined India or Pakistan.
Women, save the princely rulers, were ineligible for appointment to the order.
The rest of the sub-continent was administered by a large number of princely rulers under the supreme authority of Britain.