Effectively, the Armenian kings ruled Antioch whilst the prince of Antioch resided in Tripoli.
However, as the subsequent princes always resided in Vienna and, until modern times did not even visit their principality, the original princely coronet may never have been brought there, and is now lost.
Tradition dictated that at least one prince of the royal blood should reside in Khorasan, so Tahmasp made Abbas nominal governor of the province, despite his young age, and Abbas was left behind in Herat.
There was probably a castle here from the 9th century to the year 1325 A.D., in which princes of the Slavic Rani tribe resided.
Wherever he goes, he pays a visit to whatever prince or gentleman of note resides upon his road, as a duty to himself and to civilization.
Yaroslav's Court then ceased to be a princely compound and the prince resided at Riurik's Court.
He who would attack that state from the outside must have the utmost caution; as long as the prince resides there it can only be wrested from him with the greatest difficulty.
This palace was located at Varnavrat, the present Barnava, where the prince resided with their mother Kunti.
The pious chief, who sought by peaceful ways To found his empire, and his town to raise, A hundred youths from all his train selects, And to the Latian court their course directs, (The spacious palace where their prince resides,) And all their heads with wreaths of olive hides.
The town quickly developed, due to its location, and proximity both to the Vistula waterway and the city of Kraków, where local princes resided during the fragmentation of Poland (see History of Poland during the Piast dynasty).