"The conditions of a primordial universe."
It was Madsen and Mark Tailor, who gave first the concept of these particles in the primordial universe.
Layzer argued that, rather than in an initial high entropy state, the primordial universe was in a very low entropy state near absolute zero.
The word finds its origin in the Hebrew of Genesis 1:2 (tohu wa-bohu), where it describes the formless chaos of the primordial universe.
Formulated in collaboration with William Fowler, nucleogenesis overthrew the general belief that all elements were created in the primordial universe.
They were leftovers from the primordial hot universe, wrinkles that even the universal expansion had not ironed out.
Today, two independent teams of astronomers are reporting that they might be zeroing in on the time that bright galaxies began to light up the primordial universe.
We used to think we were alone in a primordial universe.
Because of a unique coupling to the instanton field of the primordial universe (the "misalignment mechanism"), an effective dynamical friction is created during the acquisition of mass following cosmic inflation.
Following the big bang, the primordial universe consisted of only radiation and subatomic particles.