All the matter (both created and evolved) including animal, plants or mineral comes under these five primordial elements.
They are nothing but the manifestations of the five primordial elements.
The general aim is to immerse the student in the language and culture, with the characters being seen as a primordial element of this.
As also in the Indian religious texts, the waters are considered a primordial element.
Kur is associated with mountains and the primordial elements.
However, some nuclides are also produced by a number of natural means that have continued after primordial elements were in place.
It is the heaviest primordial element forged in large quantities during the Big Bang.
It is not old or new but a primordial element.
The other 14 natural elements only occur in decay chains of primordial elements.
They supplied the ingredients that became us, the primordial elements.