Men, on average, had higher brain activity in the more ancient and primitive regions of the limbic system, the parts that are more involved with action.
The big old twin engine workhorse had many names, and a surprising number of them could still be seen galumphing slowly across primitive regions sixty years after their introduction.
For one, referred to in a poster as the Ethnological Congress, in 1884, he brought in two people from almost every primitive region in the world, Mr. Pelton said.
Oly Joe hadn't been bleeding all that long, and looked like he would live, although his breathing was ominously shallow, as if from primitive regions of his brain stem.
An agent sent by the government to a primitive region to seek exploitable minerals yearns for a life of traditional values and begins to undo his own work.
Instead, he'd focused on teaching himself to read a more primitive region of people's minds-the motor cortex.
They were Skidians and were not going to be ordered about by someone from one of the universe's more primitive regions.
"When one experiences the mind turning off," he says, "it may be that those primitive regions of the brain we call the basal ganglia take over."
We are tourists from America, on a three-week package tour to exotic primitive regions.
Collectively these wild, primitive regions were known as the Outlands, and northern Wisconsin typified the deplorable quagmire into which humanity had sunk.