Patrik Wirén of the Swedish newspaper Metro International awarded the album three out of five stars, calling it a "primitive recording".
However, by the standards of its time it was quite a primitive recording, notable mainly for the juxtaposition of the words "rock" and "roll", and the battling saxophones of Moore and Williams.
The primitive recording couldn't completely hide the sly humor that had crept into Cullum's voice by the end of the message.
Later, Cynthia makes a primitive recording of Hugh's voice, without his knowledge.
Many programs survived only through engineers' transcription disks or primitive recordings on spooled wire, and most have disappeared altogether.
No attempt has been made to recreate the exact sound of the old, technically primitive recordings.
A primitive recording of the latter of these can however be heard on bootleg label Antrabata's studio outtakes sessions.
Eames' voice was also captured 'live' during an actual performance at the Met in 1903, on some primitive recordings which have become known as the Mapleson Cylinders.
It was a fairly primitive recording, especially compared to the resulting album.
Through him, the distant world from which he emerged is there for us to hear, without the need to decipher its messages from primitive recordings.