They were usually of primitive conception, and a trough common to all was probably more frequent than separate basins.
The primitive conception of death (Hibbert J., X., pp.
Piaget sees children's conception of causation as a march from "primitive" conceptions of cause to those of a more scientific, rigorous, and mechanical nature.
But Judaism, of which they all had a primitive conception as consisting of nothing but ritual, was not the religion to which they looked.
Dependent conditionals are thus to be regarded in the way of the primitive conception or conceptions at the base of any logical system.
The persistence of this primitive conception of the nature of authority, in circumstances which rendered it plausible, was not without its consequences for the future of the empire.
The first crusaders had seen their expedition to the Near East as a pilgrimage to the Holy Land but they still had a very primitive conception of God and of religion.
This was ironic, since he regarded Judaism as an ignoble religion which was responsible for the primitive conception of God that had perpetrated great wrong.
Let it not be supposed, however, that the third category is merely a deduced, and not a primitive conception of the pure understanding.
This primitive conception is symbolic of the simplicity of tribal beliefs and ceremonies.