My prime complaint about this travesty of a website was your decision to scrap customisation.
The prime complaint, though, is that pilots receive too many false alerts.
In conversations in provincial cities, many young Chinese seemed to feel not so much repressed as alienated; their prime complaint was not that the Communist Party beat dissidents but that it bored everyone else.
My prime complaint about "Erotic Innocence" is that Kincaid barely hesitates to consider the wider cultural implications of this change.
Their prime complaint was that not enough money is being spent on AIDS research.
Thailand also lacks a narcotics conspiracy law, making prosecutions difficult against anyone higher than a courier actually caught with drugs, and does not allow the seizure of assets garned from drug trafficking, two prime complaints made by American and other Western officials.
Another prime complaint is that Britain has been cowed by Beijing into acting as its police in the territory.