And he is a prime architect behind school voucher plans in Milwaukee and Cleveland.
A prime architect of the sound of big beat, Harris grew up listening first to punk rock, then hip-hop, and finally acid house.
Yet at just 37, he is a prime architect of China's sensitive human rights policy.
Both men were considered to be among the prime architects of "ethnic cleansing" in the Prijedor area.
Mr. Bolduc, who became president and chief executive in early 1992, was a prime architect of the restructuring program.
But Reagan was the prime architect of Soviet collapse.
Even Mr. Connerly, the prime architect of the affirmative action ban, said the figures were shocking.
In his final job, as executive vice president, he was a prime architect of A.T.&T.'s 1980 breakup.
He was the prime architect of the first nationwide political party: the Jacksonian Democrats.
He is also a prime architect of its front-page headlines.