The primary stakeholders for solution architecture are system users and developers.
Ownership and control of the process rest in the hands of the primary stakeholders.
Many people also worry that while most residents are black, they are not the primary stakeholders.
Groups of primary stakeholders are formed in order to participate in discussion and analysis.
The primary stakeholders for segment architecture are business owners and managers.
Over the years they also became primary stakeholders in a majority of the afforestation work that happened under the Chipko movement.
Creating an effective interface mechanism between the government and the primary stakeholders through institutions such as the Board of Trade.
Sanger stated that final decisions about management structure will not be made "until more of the (future) primary stakeholders are on the scene".
Management and primary stakeholders must be involved, or else even a limited implementation will fail.
He is a primary stakeholder in many successful snowboard industry companies from technology to hospitality.